III Asturias Fasttyping Championship 2019

On the 7th of June Auseva de Oviedo school hosted the III Asturias Fasttyping Championship, in which Lynette Alonso López, primary level winner representing Colegio Patronato de San José, achieved a remarkable 296 keys per minute; Paula Suárez García, at secondary level representing IES Calderón de la Barca de Gijón, winner after achieving an incredible 337 keys per minute and a special mention to Carmen Costero Álvarez, representing Colegio Parque Infantil de Oviedo and also Sofía García Fernández, Colegio Internacional de Meres, both of who at 8 years old achieved an astonishing 200 keys per minute.

From MAE we would like to congratulate all participants and centres involved, all of whom made this edition so memorable

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